Mamphunga school

Mamphunga full service school building

This building the first of its kind it is a new government initiative to have one of these types of buildings in specific areas throughout the country 

Well here it is ......

This building is unique in that it uses passive heating and cooling  to control the temperature internally  a lot more brickwork was used internally to divide up the rooms In all our other buildings we have just divided into class rooms

This building comprises of   Entrance hall and reception area

Large open plan admin office space

A 80 m2 activity room

2 large consulting rooms   30m2x2

1 x sick bay

Male and female toilets

Disabled toilet with a shower

A strong room and large document store

Once again built by the community or the surrounding unemployed  people

We try To employ a good balance between men and women 

We have trained over  one hundred people so far in the three years we have been busy


Mamphunga full service school before roofing. 

The unique colors in the Mamphunga buildings where we get brighter colors is from the yellow silt that we harvested while digging foundations

90 percent of the wall material was harvested within 100 m from the site

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