Mamphunga primary school

  Mamphunga full service building coming to completion

Having two rammed earth buildings next to each other very unique

Another beautiful building built by the community for the community some finishing touches inside the building 

Above the entrance to two consulting rooms

The activity room 

Storage area

Kitchen with serving hatch into open area 

Building conventional building into Rammed earth is a challenge as the rammed earth is always moving so there is no keying into the rammed earth 

When joining up against a rammed earth wall  we make a very clear brake point or join

The join should be cleaned out with a bolster chisel making a nice clean movable join

And showing the plaster where to crack

So the end result a complete building with 400 m2 of space tiled with bathrooms completed for less than 1.5 million  try and beat that anyone

Another David Rattray inspired building by Rammteck  completed

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