National association of child care workers


Tswinga village 

This was going to be a challenge with no local knowledge a totally new crew
Very bad soil conditions as there was only a clay type of soil to be found
I only put two of my experienced staff onto this project.

 With my two site leaders so far from home for so long they became 
Very friendly with the locals and that lead to a management breakdown
Wich was costly to the business

Some nice coloring in the wall panels

The soil problem lead us to import a lot more soil than we thought necessary
We had to breakdown the clay as much as 75 percent this we did with a blend of riversand and cement to achieve the desired hardness issues

Getting the patching right on any rammed earth wall is an art but really makes or breaks it  with all the pin holes there are a lot of these visible marks
I have a secret remedy for that but drop me a mail

After a long ramming process and a lot of intricate brickwork on the inside we where

And then it was finished


  1. What very small lifts of soil, makes the wall look like courdroy!


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